Thursday, July 17, 2008

Meet Barack Obama - Part 2 - Economy

"The choice we face right now is a choice between more of he same policies that have widened inequality, added to our debt, and shaken the foundation of our economy, or change that will restore balance to our economy, and fuel a bottom-up prosperity to keep America strong and competitive in the 21st century."

--Barack Obama, speaking in Raleigh, N.C. June 9, 2008

Barack Obama on the

Barack Obama recognizes our nation's economic crisis wasn't inevitable: It resulted from failed policies that hurt working families.

  • Obama has proposed a tax plan that rewards working families, not just the very wealthiest.
  • Obama has pledged to create a new mortgage tax credit and offer $10 billion in aid to struggling homeowners.
  • Obama has voted to strengthen vital programs for working families like Medicare and student aid.
  • Obama supported extending unemployment insurance and giving rebates to families, seniors and veterans.

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