Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nine Ladies Need our help

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

If you live in Northern Indiana, I'm pretty sure you're not going golfing tomorrow so why not take a leisurely drive for breakfast or lunch.

A company in Elkhart, Indiana by the name of American Electronics Components has been in negotiations with USW Local 1056 for two or three months. The local union consists of nine ladies.

This company refuses to bargain after offering their workers a raise of 18 cents over three years. Oh, they also offered to increase their medical insurance premiums 40% for an employee and an increase in premium of 60% for a family member. Some workers pay more than $200 a week for their health care.

The company needs assistance from our retirees in learning why it's a good idea to bargain in good faith.

If you can help us with an informational picket tomorrow, January 27th, please do so. The picketing will be at 1101 Lafayette St., (near Oakland Ave) in Elkhart, Indiana, from 9 am till 11 am EDT.

We would appreciate your being with us, but if you will be unable to help with the picketing, perhaps you could make a phone call to the company and encourage it to come back to the bargaining table. Their phone number is 574-295-6330. The plant manager name is Keith Vanderbosch. If he's not there, ask to speak to the owner.

Splice the Main Brace

Splice The Main Brace A sailing ship's main brace is a rope attached to its main spar. Splicing it (making a connection in it by interw...