Saturday, December 31, 2016

Solidarity Now More Than Ever

Billy’s Banter
Solidarity Now More Than Ever

I want to start by thanking all those who got involved in this year’s election. You have proven that we still can contribute and are willing to remain involved and be a valuable source of information and activism.

We must now unite and become even more vigilant in making sure that those in office not destroy the benefits we have worked so hard for over the years. I tend to believe what people say, until their actions cause me to believe otherwise and I fear some people will do just what they say.

Speaker Ryan’s plan to eliminate Medicare’s guaranteed health benefits in favor of a system of vouchers is outlined in his “A Better Way,” a document that promises cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Seniors would have to use government vouchers or coupons and buy insurance on the private market.” I do not believe this is in our best interest nor do I believe that the person chosen to lead the discussion on Social Security is going to support status quo or improvements, if I can believe what he has said in the past about this issue. 

The retired lobbyist President-elect Trump has named to lead his Social Security transition team is Michael Korbey, he has tried to eliminate or cut Social Security for decades. Back in 1996 he said of Social Security: “It's a failed system, broken and bankrupt” and that although cuts would hurt seniors, “the government needed to focus on other constituents.” 

During George W. Bush’s administration, Korbey was a senior advisor to the Social Security Administration and helped spearhead Bush’s effort to privatize Social Security. 

I hope I am losing sleep over nothing but I believe we will be better off if we get prepared for a fight and do not have it, than be un-prepared and play catch up on these very important issues. If we choose not to be involved, who will pick up the fight for us? We cannot stand divided we must unite on these important issues if we hope to retain our dignity in retirement. We need to maintain and improve existing benefits. Please let your Representatives know that you do not want vouchers or reduced SS for yourself or future retirees. Let us start now.

Bill Pienta, SOAR President

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