Sunday, July 08, 2007

Let's Stop Unfair Trade

Today, we need to celebrate our
independence, not lose it.

(Tell the Presidential candidates America deserves a real Independence Day.)

We hear a lot about national security from our Presidential
candidates — but none of them will tell you that one day we may
depend on foreign manufacturers for our national security.

That’s right — as America increasingly depends on foreign-built
products, our manufacturing base continues to erode. The same
manufacturing base that supplies the equipment our troops need
to keep America safe.

This Independence Day, Americans need to ask our Presidential
candidates to do more than just talk a good game and sit on their
hands while China and other countries cheat on our trade laws
with illegal subsidies, currency manipulation and dumping.

They’re taking America’s jobs — 49,000 a month in manufacturing

Today is the day we’re supposed to celebrate our independence.
But every year, we’re becoming less independent.

Tell our Presidential candidates that America needs to start
enforcing the trade laws and safeguarding our national security.

After all, what better day than today to start standing up for
America’s independence?

Paid for by Stand Up For Steel, a coalition of the United Steelworkers
and America’s major steel companies.

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