Monday, August 07, 2017

We Need Some Common Sense Solutions by Bill Gibbons

We Need Some Common Sense Solutions
It has become very disturbing to listen to the reports on the Republican efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known as Obamacare. The idea that millions of citizens would lose coverage and costs would be increased, while the wealthy would get tax cuts, is further disturbing.
There is no question that the ACA requires some corrections and fixes and it should have included a “Public Option” that would have prevented many of the market problems that have occurred. It appears that much of the problem with insurers leaving the ACA market is due to the uncertainty that has been created. For example, the ACA provided cost sharing reductions (CSRs) and subsidy reimbursement to insurance companies, which in 2016 amounted to 7 billion dollars. Insurance Companies have not received the assurance of a continuation of this arrangement.
The one fix that objectively and factually makes the most sense would be a “Single Payer” or a “Medicare for All” arrangement. We are the only advanced country that does not provide such an arrangement. And we pay two to three times more for healthcare than those other countries and have healthcare outcomes that are not as good, and we have millions without any coverage at all.
This might just be my way of thinking, but it seems our legislative system has become dysfunctional. One only needs to look at the escalating drug costs and the inability of Medicare to negotiate drug prices and the failure of Congress to do anything about it. In my opinion, the unlimited flow of money to politicians and the influence of lobbyists supported by this money, gerrymandering of congressional districts and the lack of a fairness doctrine in the corporate media, have contributed to this problem.
Think about it. If we didn’t already have the interstate highway system, Social Security, Medicare and so many other important legislative accomplishments, would we be able to get them passed through Congress today?

Bill Gibbons, PACE Representative

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