What’s Next?
The Taking Back Our Economy Series is highlighting how a corporate, anti-worker agenda is now the norm in our country. Through the Anti-Sweatshop bill action we dealt with one of the results: A global economy that de-values human beings and disregards human rights in favor of fattening corporate bottom lines. Now we’re seeing another related result: Toxic products entering our markets and homes.
Is it any surprise that a global economy that allows a 12-year-old girl to work 16-hour days in a dangerous factory making products for the U.S. marketplace ALSO gives us products laced with lead for our kids?
Just in the last few weeks, 544,000 items have been recalled. All were due to excessive lead in the products, and all were made in China. The following is included in that list:
• 150,000 bookmarks and journals, as well as bracelets that are sold with them from Antioch
• 35,000 Baby Einstein Discover & Play Color Blocks.
• 192,000 key chains and 63,000 Frankenstein head-
shaped tumblers sold by Dollar General.
• 15,000 Totally Me! Room Decor Sets sold at Toys R Us.
• 10,000 Wooden Pull-Along Alphabet & Math Blocks
Wagons, Wooden Pull-Along Learning Blocks Wagons;
10-in-1 Activity Learning Carts; and Flip-Flop Alphabet
Blocks from KB Toys.
• "Pirates of the Caribbean" themed medallion squeeze
flash lights from Eveready Battery.
Is it any surprise that a global economy that allows a 12-year-old girl to work 16-hour days in a dangerous factory making products for the U.S. marketplace ALSO gives us products laced with lead for our kids?
Just in the last few weeks, 544,000 items have been recalled. All were due to excessive lead in the products, and all were made in China. The following is included in that list:
• 150,000 bookmarks and journals, as well as bracelets that are sold with them from Antioch
• 35,000 Baby Einstein Discover & Play Color Blocks.

• 192,000 key chains and 63,000 Frankenstein head-
shaped tumblers sold by Dollar General.
• 15,000 Totally Me! Room Decor Sets sold at Toys R Us.
• 10,000 Wooden Pull-Along Alphabet & Math Blocks
Wagons, Wooden Pull-Along Learning Blocks Wagons;
10-in-1 Activity Learning Carts; and Flip-Flop Alphabet
Blocks from KB Toys.
• "Pirates of the Caribbean" themed medallion squeeze
flash lights from Eveready Battery.
Where does it end?
Stay tuned for more information on toxic imports in the coming weeks AND
find out
find out
how you can protect your family.
Source: USW Rapid Response
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