Thursday, June 17, 2010

Poor Poor BP

The CEO of the oil company responsible for the gushing oil spoiling the Gulf Coast beaches and destroying the habitat of thousands of animals, fish, birds and whales refused to apologize today at a congressional hearing. But someone did apologize.

Republican congressman Joe Barton told BP CEO Tony Hayward that he was sorry. And what was he sorry for?...... He said he was sorry that President Obama told BP to provide 20 billion dollars for an escrow fund to help the victims of the disaster. He said that forcing BP to make good on their promise to pay all of the claims arising out of the disaster by putting the money in an escrow fund was a "tragedy in the first proportion."

It is no surprise to me that other well known right wingers are saying the same thing. Barton is from Texas.....Bush country......oil country, and he gets millions in donations from the oil companies. The people in the Gulf are suffering, and that suits right wingers just fine.

Splice the Main Brace

Splice The Main Brace A sailing ship's main brace is a rope attached to its main spar. Splicing it (making a connection in it by interw...