Monday, December 06, 2010

Find them Cookies

No matter what Elaine does to keep me from eating her Christmas cookies, I am able to find them. I really do believe that this exceptional ability to sniff out cookies is a gift from the Almighty.

I want to share what I've learned over the years so as to make it possible for my friends to also locate these wonderful treats without getting into trouble.

One way is to wait until she leaves the house. After making sure that she has driven off down the road, search high and low in every possible nook and cranny. It's important to lock the door first.
When you do locate a batch, take no more than two cookies. That way it's less likely that you will be caught.

It's important to keep looking because there are bound to be more hidden away. Some possible hiding places would be under the bed, in her dresser, in her craft room, under the kitchen sink, between the pizza pans, on the top shelf behind the Crisco can, or the ever popular empty bag of sugar in the pantry, or lastly, if all else fails, check the trunk of her car.

When you think you've spent enough time in this excercise, put the cookies in a plastic baggy and wrap in newspaper so they can be placed next to your favorite chair to be eaten later in the evening.

I enjoy nibbling on them when her attention is on something else like a football game, etc.
Good hunting to you my friends.

Splice the Main Brace

Splice The Main Brace A sailing ship's main brace is a rope attached to its main spar. Splicing it (making a connection in it by interw...