Sunday, February 20, 2011

Steelworkers Lobby in Indianapolis

On February 15th, SOAR members from District 7 joined more than 600 Steelworkers in Indianapolis, Indiana to meet with and lobby their members of the General Assembly. The issues were:

1. The so called "Right to Work" legislation (the freeloader bill) that would reduce wages and increase poverty, and decrease the number of people that have health insurance.

2. Another issue was the Republicans wanting to reduce Unemployment Insurance by 25% making Indiana the fifth lowest state in the country for average UI benefits.

3. A bill that restricts the ability of teachers to bargain for anything other than wages and benefits.

4. And finally, we lobbied for full funding of the CHOICE program which allows seniors to stay in their homes rather than have to go to a nursing home.

By the looks on their faces, you can tell that our SOAR members love to help their union and haven't forgotten the power of unity. The photograph above represents just some of our SOAR members that participated. SOAR members are hard to corral for such a photo in the midst of so many people.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Glad to see you broke out the Bib's again.

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